MTJ-NP4632-OP - Elegant Hamsa Design with S Blue Opal Star of David Pendant

MTJ-NP4632-OP - Elegant Hamsa Design with S Blue Opal Star of David Pendant

$ 25

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You said you wanted something unusual, but you had no idea something so unique was out there. Well guess what. You found it. This outstanding sterling silver hamsa pendant is designed not only as the traditional middle-eastern hand design traditionally worn to ward off evil spirits, but it also is in the shape of twin doves, symbolizing peace. Accented with a brilliant opal magen david (Jewish star), it encompasses so many aspects of Jewish culture.
14.7mm x 22.6mm x 2.3 



2 Rating

I love them! I bought 2 for my mother and grandmother as a gift of the new year & birthday, i am super excited to give them a necklace!! 😁 Also i saw others say shipping was fast and at first i thought no way right? Holy moly they were fast! Before i knew it the necklaces arrived! Im so happy!! Thanks so much! 😁😆🤩

So beautiful in person. Highly recommend 💕

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